Write Girl, Wrong Place

Good times…

I just had a great day.

My very good friend, Teach, is getting married next month. Today was her Bridal Shower. It was hosted by her god-mother in a lovely house in San Francisco. I volunteered to drive some of us the 90 miles into the city. It was so nerve wracking. Not only did we have to cross the Bay Bridge (you know the double-decker one that collapsed in 1988?) twice but we also got a little lost. MapQuest directions plus the streets of San Fransisco? Not a great combination.

Luckily, while we were stopped at a light, I remembered that I have a navigational system on my cell phone! I’ve only used it once before and it worked wonderfully. With the help of my co-pilot I entered in the destination address before the light changed to green. What was the first thing it told me to do? “Make the first legal U-turn.” Good thing I checked or we might still be driving around the city.

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